
Here’s an overview of what we’ll be doing each day at the Institute, and who will be joining us. Also be sure to check out the Readings page for a list of what readings will be required for each morning session, and what to read before the Institute begins!
Date | Topic(s) | Visiting expert(s) click here for bios | Morning session | Rehearsals |
Monday, July 10 | Space | Timothy J. Moore | Vanderslice 117 | ensembles |
Tuesday, July 11 | Music, Meter, Dance | Timothy J. Moore | Vanderslice 117 | smaller |
Wednesday, July 12 | Masks, Costumes, Props | Amy R. Cohen & C. W. Marshall | Bonn Studio Theater | ensembles |
Thursday, July 13 | Actors, Acting Style, Movement | Amy R. Cohen & C. W. Marshall | Bonn Studio Theater | smaller |
Friday, July 14 | Language & Style | Peter Barrios-Lech | Bonn Studio Theater | ensembles |
Monday, July 17 | Humor | Erin K. Moodie | Vanderslice 117 | ensembles |
Tuesday, July 18 | Metatheater & Plautinopolis | Rachel Mazzara & Niall W. Slater | Vanderslice 117 | smaller |
Wednesday, July 19 | Sex, Gender, Sexual Violence | Sharon L. James | Bonn Studio Theater | ensembles |
Thursday, July 20 | Class & Enslavement | Amy Richlin | Bonn Studio Theater | smaller |
Friday, July 21 | Ethnicity & Colonialism | Deepti Menon | Bonn Studio Theater | ensembles |
Monday, July 24 | Politics, War, Empire | Matthew Leigh | Vanderslice 117 | ensembles |
Tuesday, July 25 | Religion | Seth Jeppesen & Dan-el Padilla Peralta | Vanderslice 117 | smaller |
Wednesday, July 26 | Adaptation & Production | Seth Jeppesen & V. Sophie Klein | Bonn Studio Theater | ensembles |
Thursday, July 27 | Reception on the Stage | Serena S. Witzke | Bonn Studio Theater | smaller |
Friday, July 28 | Reception on the Screen | T. H. M. Gellar-Goad & Christopher B. Polt | Bonn Studio Theater | ensembles |
Monday, July 31 | filming of scenes | Bonn Studio Theater | ||
Tuesday, August 1 | filming of scenes | Bonn Studio Theater | ||
Wednesday, August 2 | filming of scenes | Bonn Studio Theater | ||
Thursday, August 3 | preparations for dissemination | Bonn Studio Theater | ||
Friday, August 4 | wrap-up | Bonn Studio Theater |

“Mosaic showing a theatre scene, two women consult a sorceress (the three of them wear theatre masks), from the Villa del Cicerone in Pompeii, 150 – 125 BC, signed by Dioskurides of Samos, Naples National Archaeological Museum” by Following Hadrian is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 .
The Performance of Roman Comedy has been made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.